Forgiving yourself specifically. You might be saying, forgive myself from what? We all have something that we struggle with. We all have something that we have gone through. We have to allow ourselves the opportunity to be forgiving to our own individual selves. Forgive yourself. For those past failures, for the past time you are procrastinating. Those times in the past that you may not have accomplished a goal that you set out. It happens to us all. Those past mistakes, ” Oh why did I do that? What was I thinking? That was so silly of me. I just was not being smart at that moment.” We all have those instances when we did not accomplish something and that’s okay. But what we cannot do is to hold on to those past feelings. Those negative feelings about ourselves. Because it leads us to negative self-thought, doubting ourselves, putting ourselves down and really not valuing ourselves.
We often put ourselves less, trying to be everything to everyone else. But, what do you need? Where have you been sacrificing your best interest? For others. Right? What do you really need to give yourself more of? Is that more time to sleep? Is that more time to sit in a quiet space and reflect? Is it just a time to do a brain dump and get to your journal and keep that journal practice going? Is it just saying no to things more often? Saying no to people? Saying no to going to places that aren’t in your best interest and things that don’t serve you? Even saying no is a way to say you are the priority. Who knows better what you need than you? Spend some time really thinking about what you need and how you can start prioritizing and meeting your needs and giving the time and space you’re needing in your life.
Money is the only investment that you can make in yourself. Just think about going to the hair salon, we spend money. We spend money doing a lot of things and those are great. But, I’m not just speaking about monetary values attached to them. Investing in your self can be taking a class. It could be reading a book or studying something that you are curious about. Wanting to sharpen the tools in your tool kit and learning a skill and expand a skill that you already have or interest that you have really allowed yourself the time and space to develop and cultivate. That’s an investment! Nurturing that relationship with yourself. Really getting in tune with what you like. As we aged, as we mature and we have life experiences, our wants and our desires change. Take an inventory of what is it that you really need in your life right now? What is it that you need for yourself that you haven’t been allowing to even happen? Being open to trying those things that you are on defense or being curious about. And surrounding yourself with people who are going to push you, encourage you and uplift you. So the people that you surround yourself are important and that’s an investment. That’s an investment of your time. That’s an investment of your energy. So even being intentional about the people that we surround ourselves with and just being open to learning. Like best practices. What are the things that you should be implementing and including in your day-to-day life? So you can be at your best state of your physical, mental, spiritual health and all of those domains. Learning best practices, reading things, surrounding yourself with the best people who will stimulate you and push you. Nurturing that relationship with yourself. Taking inventory of what you need.
Those are my three tips for helping you to fall in love with yourself. It’s all about us learning to love ourselves. Before we can pour into others, we have to pour into ourselves. Recap for the 3 tips. First, forgive ourselves. Second, we need to make our needs a priority and thirdly, invest in yourself.

Dr. Jamie Hardy (aka The Lifestyle Pharmacist™) helps young women who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills. Cutting corners in your lifestyle to save time, is making you sick--literally.
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