Hi Fab Squad. It’s me- Dr. Jamie The Lifestyle Pharmacist. Here to help you be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills! I help young women LIKE YOU who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships through videos, books, and programs to detox, find balance, eat healthier, and effectively manage stress. TOGETHER WE will design the life of your dreams.
If you’ve visited my website drjamiehardy.com then you already know that I strongly and passionately believe in the importance of clean eating. I get a ton of question from my followers about how to balance clean eating and their busy lives.
Today I received a direct message from one of my followers on Instagram named Ashley. Go follow Dr. Jamie now on Instagram and Twitter- that’s @drjamiehardy. Ashley writes:
Dr. Jamie,
Thanks for the helpful and practical information that you share on your blog and on social media. I’m really trying to eat healthier, but I struggle with staying on track when I go out to dinner with my girls. We have a girls night out every Friday. (That’s fabulous) How do I stick to my clean eating and still enjoy our time together?
Your FAV Fab Girl,
Awww thank you Ashley. I heart you TOO! Great question BTW. Here are 3 easy TIPS to follow when partying with the girls.
TIP #1 Don’t Drink Unnecessary Calories!
Swap those sodas for water. AND limit the amount of alcohol you drink. I’m not saying you can’t have an adult beverage, it’s Friday night after all. But what I am saying is be smart about it. Have a glass of wine instead of a fruity mixed drink.
TIP #2 Go heavy on the veggies
Have a salad as your appetizer and some type of vegetable as the side dish that comes with for your entrée.
TIP #3 Keep the main course lean
Have your meat grilled, broiled or baked.
See ladies. Eating clean while hanging out with the girls isn’t that difficult. RIGHT?
For more lifestyle tips get your FREE copy of my FAB Lifestyle Starterkit here. YAAAS. Remember it’s all about the lifestyle.

Dr. Jamie Hardy (aka The Lifestyle Pharmacist™) helps young women who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills. Cutting corners in your lifestyle to save time, is making you sick--literally.
It's time for YOU to take back your health and life so that you can LIVE the life you deserve. Jumpstart your transformation TODAY with The Fit, Fabulous, and Fulfilled Lifestyle Starter Kit by clicking the button below.