3 Ways to Love Yourself More

Dr. Jamie HardyMindset

How many relationships are you in? The answer may be a little more complex than you realize. Think about it- the relationship with family, friends, spouse or significant other, coworkers, church members, and even community service organizations. There is often one relationship get that gets cast to the side. Can you guess what that is? The one with yourself! How many times do you put yourself last and instead place the needs of others put before your own? That stops TODAY! Here are three simple tips for loving yourself more.

Tip #1 Forgive yourself
You might be saying, forgive myself from what? Forgive yourself for those past failures, times
you procrastinated, and even for times in the past that you did accomplish a goal that you set. It happens to us all. What we cannot do is allow those past experiences to stir up negative feelings about ourselves. Negative self-talk is things that we say to ourselves like oh, why did I do that? What was I thinking? That was so silly of me. I was not being smart at that moment. Move beyond your past mistakes and failures by forgiving yourself and looking at the experiences as lessons.

Tip #2 Make your needs a priority
Women often put themselves last, trying to be everything to everyone else. Think about what it is that YOU need to give yourself more of. Is it more time to sit in a quiet space and reflect? Is it more time for self-development? Or maybe it’s simply more time for quality sleep. It is time for you to start move yourself up to the top of your “to-do” list. No one knows what you need better than you. Spend some time thinking about what you need and the things you can say no. This small shift will help to create time and space for what you need in your life.

Tip #3 Invest in yourself
Money is often the first word that comes to mind when we hear the word investment. Money is NOT the only investment that you can make in yourself. Investing in yourself can also be taking an online class. It could be reading a book or studying something that you are curious about. Sharpening the tools in your tool kit and even expanding a skill that you already have is a great investment. As you age and experience different things in life embrace the notion that your interests and desires may change. Giving yourself the opportunity to learn new things and even surround yourself with people who will stimulate you and push you.

Today I am challenging you to make an investment in yourself. I created a brand-new FREE resource called The Care Package to help you to do just that. It’s filled with relaxing activities for you to do from the comfort of your home. Get yours by clicking HERE.