Hey Fab Squad! It’s Dr. Jamie- Your Lifestyle Pharmacist. Here to keep you fit, fabulous and fulfilled without prescribed pills. I help young women just like you all over the globe to find balance, eat healthier, and feel amazing so they can live the life of their dreams.
I get goose bumps just thinking about it.
Ooooooh this morning I had the best quickie.
So you thought I was going to talk about a SEX QUICKIE- no darling we will be chatting about an EXERCISE QUICKIE. LOL! The only thing that Dr. Jamie likes quick is her exercise. Physical activity is the way you train and maintain your body. So it’s no surprise that exercise is super important to the way your body looks and even more importantly the way it feels. It is recommended that young women get 150 minutes of exercise every week. I know you’re thinking Dr. Jamie with everything that I have to do each day- I don’t have time to exercise. That’s B.S. By doing 10 minutes here, and 15 minutes there you CAN meet your exercise goal for the week.
Today I’m sharing one of my exercise hacks that will help you to keep that body tight and right with your busy schedule. Like many women that are juggling careers, businesses, relationships, and “other” obligations most evenings are busy to say the least. So the way I guarantee that I get my workout in is to do it in the morning. The cool thing is that it doesn’t have to be a long and drawn out workout. A 10 to 15 minute quickie is just enough to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. Here is what I do. First, I get my muscles warmed up with some stretches. Then I do a series of moves back to back (in my Drake voice). The key is not to take a break until the very end.
Ready. Set. Move.
- Do Jumping Jacks for 60 sec.
- Next do High Knees for 60 sec.
- Then do Lunges for 45 sec.
- Now do Squats for another 45 sec.
- Finally end with Push Ups for 30 sec.
Rest for 60 seconds and then repeat the circuit 2 MORE times. If I can do it, YOU can too. Having an Exercise QUICKIE ladies is THE best way to start your busy day. For more tips on how to keep your body fit while you look and feel fabulous, download my FREE FAB Lifestyle Starter Kit here. Remember it’s all about the lifestyle.

Dr. Jamie Hardy (aka The Lifestyle Pharmacist™) helps young women who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills. Cutting corners in your lifestyle to save time, is making you sick--literally.
It's time for YOU to take back your health and life so that you can LIVE the life you deserve. Jumpstart your transformation TODAY with The Fit, Fabulous, and Fulfilled Lifestyle Starter Kit by clicking the button below.