Hey #FABSQUAD! It’s your FAV Pharmacist Dr. Jamie The Lifestyle Pharmacist helping you stay fit, fabulous, and fulfilled during your fast paced life. By now you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I’m on a mission to transform the way the world eats. Calling all clean eaters!
To be completely real with you, clean eating is the shhhhh. This style of eating provides your cells with the nutrients and minerals needed for your body to perform at its BEST. Despite its many benefits, I occasionally meet people who are skeptical of the clean eating concept because of the cost. It goes something like this- “Dr. Jamie eating healthy is expensive. I can’t afford it.” Well guess what? Cost is no longer an excuse when grocery shopping. The executives at Whole Foods heard your moans and groans too and have launched an affordable yet fun shopping experience in the new 365 by Whole Foods Market stores.
According to a press release “365 by Whole Foods Market stores offers convenience and everyday low prices on natural and organic products that meet the company’s industry-leading standards for quality.” The goal is to make fresh and healthy food more mainstream. In other words, available to everyone! So what lucky cities will be getting 365 stores? Drum roll please… Los Angeles, California; Santa Monica, California; Portland, Oregon; Cedar Park, Texas; Houston, Texas; Bellevue, Washington; Cincinnati, Ohio; and San Francisco, California. #FABSQUAD LA residents, consider yourselves to be the chosen ones. Your store opened at the end of May 2016! Ready to put the prices to the test? Today is your lucky day. I’m sharing my top 5 tips for staying on budget when you shop at Whole Foods and 365:
Tip #1
Shop the sales- Pay attention to what is on sale and shop those items. Be flexible when you shop and let the sales be your guide.
Tip #2
Buy what’s in season- When selecting fresh fruits and vegetables the items in season will have a lower price point. Summer has arrived so fill your basket with strawberries, cherries, blueberries, cucumbers, kale, and peas to name a few.
Tip #3
Buy the store brand- The 365 Store brand has the same ingredient list and is of the same quality as national brands. The packaging and labeling is the only difference and is not worth the extra expense.
Tip #4
Skip conveniences- Peeled and pre-cut fruits and veggies, and skinless and boneless meat will cost you a pretty penny. Stay on budget by buying these items whole and cutting them up and removing the peeling, skin, and bones yourself.
Tip #5
Frozen is your friend- Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as good as the fresh version. They are bursting with the same flavors and nutrients. The bonus is that they last longer and cost less.
See ladies it is possible to fill up on healthy foods and not break the bank . For even more clean eating tips grab my FREE Lifestyle Starter Kit today!

Dr. Jamie Hardy (aka The Lifestyle Pharmacist™) helps young women who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills. Cutting corners in your lifestyle to save time, is making you sick--literally.
It's time for YOU to take back your health and life so that you can LIVE the life you deserve. Jumpstart your transformation TODAY with The Fit, Fabulous, and Fulfilled Lifestyle Starter Kit by clicking the button below.