Gratitude Pulse Check

Dr. Jamie HardyMindset

It’s time for a pulse check. We are still going strong with distancing ourselves from others by staying home. How are you doing? Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out from physically distancing at home? Are you still reeling from your schedule and normal routine being thrown completely out the window? Has working from home while managing your entire household left you frazzled and frustrated? Yes, yes, and yes! The silver lining is that you are not alone. What’s even better than that is the fact that you can use gratitude to get you through these tough times.

Before you roll your eyes hear me out. With everything happening in the world it is easy to focus on what we don’t have and the negatives of the present circumstances. The truth of the matter is that type of perspective makes things worse and not better.

Express #GRATITUDE instead. When you are grateful that things are as well as they are, you will experience more restful sleep, feel more alive, and be more compassionate and kinder.

Let’s practice. I’ll go first. Today I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community as a pharmacist. I am grateful for a loving and supportive family. I am grateful for having the essential items that I need. I am grateful for health.

Things are far from perfect, but by having a spirit of gratitude things don’t feel so bad after all.

Now it’s your turn. What are you grateful for? If you need a little more practice with developing a gratitude mindset, I have something that will do just that. The Busy Woman’s Gratitude Journal is full of gratitude prompts and quotes that will help you to make gratitude your new outlook on life. Get your paperback copy HERE.