The Change Champion In You

Dr. Jamie HardyMindset

Shock. Disbelief. Outrage.

These are just a few words being used to describe the way that the events unfolding in the US have left people feeling. Now that the consciousness of so many has been awakened, we must stay vigilant, communicate the changes that must be made, and remain strategic in making equality and justice a reality for ALL.

This work will not be easy and it won’t happen overnight. Let’s all lean in and join together to be the change that is so desperately needed.

Here are a few ways that EVERYONE can do their part to make this world a better place for us all:

  • Speak up. Silence about injustice sends the wrong message.
  • Contact your local politicians and demand that laws be changed to more easily prosecute and convict law enforcement officers for police brutality.
  • Push for diversity training in the workplace that is actually led by African American diversity experts.
  • Donate money to organizations that are committed to fighting against racism like NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, The Sentencing Project, and Color of Change.
  • Show up to the polls for every election to ensure that the right people are placed into office

Systematic racism has plagued this country for far too long. We each have to look in the accountability mirror and then commit to being a change champion.