Virtual Event Hostess With The Mostess

Dr. Jamie HardyEvents, Health

One thing that we all can agree on is that things have been a little rough lately due to the viral pandemic. Maybe your children or grandchildren have been home from school you were promoted to the position of TEACHER. Companies had to cut back their staffing numbers to stay afloat. Many of your favorite small businesses were closed for months and some may be unable to reopen. Simply put, your life has been turned upside down.

I’ve heard your concerns, gotten your emails, and read your posts. That’s exactly why I created a FREE virtual series called Live With The #FABSQUAD. It was designed with YOU in mind so that you can successfully navigate this uncharted territory. I called in the heavy weights (my amazing super friends) to be my guests and share tips and strategies to help you maintain your health and your sanity during this challenging time. Spoiler Alert! If you attended The FAB Gathering events that I hosted in 2019 then you met them in person.

We tackled the topics that you wanted to hear about- stress management, motherhood, healing foods, healthy sleep habits, and saying no.

There is still time to grab the nuggets shared in these live sessions by watching the #replay.

Session Lineup:

Dr. Michelle Clay- The Stress-Free Life Formula


Dr. Mia Cowan and Dr. Jarrett Manning- Confessions of the Modern Mom


Dr. Samm Pryce- Setting the Tone For Health at Home


Dr. Audrey Townsel- Creating and Maintaining boundaries in the New Normal

Dr. Zarinah Hud – Pain Freedom Begins With Me