I’m sure you’ve seen the negative exchanges between women on social media and even on television. The women are usually doing what? Arguing and fighting. The things they are saying to one another are not uplifting or positive. It’s time to cut all of that out.
Despite everything that you hear and see, all the thingsthrown at you, and the comments in various mediums, I assure you that it is possible to have a positive, productive and meaningful relationships with other women.
Here are 3 practical ways to be the solution and stop the cycle of negativity:
#1 Brag on your friends
Support your friends who are doing great things. Brag about them to everyone. If your friend is the bomb.com cheer for her and tell people what she is doing. When we have a woman in our inner circle who is doing something pretty amazing we should be cheering the LOUDEST for her. Friends celebrate friends. Friends want their friends to win. PERIOD!
#2 Share your knowledge
Knowledge is so powerful. You already know that women are the most intelligent, determined creatures to ever grace this earth. Allow the knowledge that you have to benefit other people. If you meet someone who is struggling in their career, in their professional life, in their business, if you have a piece of advice that you can lend her, networking strategies, business pearls, or even some health tips, share that knowledge with her. The knowledge that you have is not just for you to hold on to and keep it to yourself. It is meant to be shared with world. You may just be the solution that another woman has been looking, searching, and praying for.
#3 Compliment other women
When you encounter a woman handling a very difficult situation with poise and grace, tell her. As women, celebrating each other and complementing each other can make such a huge difference in our moods and our disposition. Something as small as “I really enjoyed your presentation”, or “that color looks great on you”, can make a huge significant difference in their day or even their week.

Dr. Jamie Hardy (aka The Lifestyle Pharmacist™) helps young women who are busy juggling careers, businesses, and relationships be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills. Cutting corners in your lifestyle to save time, is making you sick--literally.
It's time for YOU to take back your health and life so that you can LIVE the life you deserve. Jumpstart your transformation TODAY with The Fit, Fabulous, and Fulfilled Lifestyle Starter Kit by clicking the button below.