I get stressed. You get stressed. We all get stressed. No one is exempt from stress. Stress happens to everyone. No you can’t control what …
Matters of the Heart ❤️ Managing Your Risks
A part of living a healthy life is knowing our risks as women for developing heart disease. There is this myth that heart disease only …
3 Tips for Loving Yourself More
We’re covering 3 tips for investing in the most important relationship that you are in. Can’t you get what that is? What kind of relationship …
Eating with Love: 5 Foods for a Healthy Heart
Are you taking good care of your heart? Well, we only have one heart. So, it’s a must to make sure that our heart beats …
A FAB Gathering in Time for the New Year
The New Year! New FAB! Edition Hey #FABSQUAD! I don’t know about you, but I kicked off the new year with a bang. The team …
I Like Who I’m Becoming
Heeeey #FABSQUAD! I had the pleasure of experiencing my forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama as the #iambecoming book tour made a stop in Minnesota. Minnesota huh? …
5 Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget at Whole Foods
Hey #FABSQUAD! It’s your FAV Pharmacist Dr. Jamie The Lifestyle Pharmacist helping you stay fit, fabulous, and fulfilled during your fast paced life. By now …
5 Moves to Having the Best Morning Quickie of Your LIFE
Hey Fab Squad! It’s Dr. Jamie- Your Lifestyle Pharmacist. Here to keep you fit, fabulous and fulfilled without prescribed pills. I help young women just …
3 Ways to Eat Clean While Having a Girl’s Night Out
Hi Fab Squad. It’s me- Dr. Jamie The Lifestyle Pharmacist. Here to help you be fit, fabulous, and fulfilled without prescribed pills! I help young women …